Saturday, May 5, 2012

What a week . . .

My husband left this week for a 70 day military assignment. We have done longer assignments so I can handle 70 days but I am not working now and at home with our 5 year old daughter, Carly Rhea. She goes to school two half days. BUT she is a handful (stubborn, strong willed, independent,). She is her mother!! I have at least 25 different projects going on at one time in our house. That number is not really exaggerated. I bought paint at Wal-Mart and put it in the laundry room. The next day (when I went to begin the project) I found the paint can hadn't been sealed properly and I had a bag full of pain and paint all over the floor. Back to Wal-Mart we go. I don't know about you but I am not the type of girl who can go to Wal-Mart and return an item and NOT end up buying other things. Anyway, I painted our laundry right after I dropped Chris off at the airport. Carly Rhea wanted to help - so I let her. I then had to re-do those areas. But she had fun and I am all about letting her make memories and have fun. I needed to fix the shelving in Carly Rhea's room but can't do that alone - project on hold. Bathroom needs to be painted but I can't find a color I like and I don't want to settle. I want a slate blue color (I welcome ideas). And I am redoing our kitchen That is right. I will post before pictures and hopefully I will be successfull and will post after photos. So, I attempted to work on the kitchen today. Carly Rhea wanted me to jump on trampoline. I jumped for a while - that is something that is truly meant for children. Then she wanted to wash the car (something she has never done before). So, we washed the car. SO MUCH FUN. Then she asked me if I would play in the mud with her. I guess I hesitated because she said "it would mean so much to me". Suddenly, organizing my kitchen, touching up the paint in the laundry room, working on the kitchen, cleaning etc did not seem as important. Carly doesn't care if I can make crafty things from Pinterest and would not notice the things I mentioned above. So, I played in the mud. And now I have a HUGE mess on the floor and shower to clean up but Carly has thanked me at least ten times and has said "that was so much fun". The rest can wait. So instead of a picture of the kitchen - please enjoy the madness of the mud!