Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dreadmill or Pavement (and why I am a special kind of stupid)

First, let me say that I love Target. I love, love, LOVE Target. I go to Target for something very simple (trash bags) and come out with a new shower curtain, lamps, some Target brand cleaning products and a cart full of other stuff that I was lured into purchasing. For months and months I have been wanting a GPS watch that has several functions - mainly the GPS and the ability to pace my runs so I can run outside. I CLEARLY suck at trying to run outside. I can't keep my pace for anything. That is why I run on the dreadmill - not because I like it - only because I can pace myself. I hate the dreadmill. I loathe it. But the GPS watches I mentioned cost a pretty penny - actually several pretty pennies. They typically cost around $120.00 but there are several different brands. So, there is some variety with cost. I have not explored all of the brands. FYI - I have known to be a bit naive and hopeful. Today, I decided to explore the different types at Target. Well, I found a couple I would love to have (although I REALLY want the pink Garmin forerunner). I found a New Balance GPS watch with all of the features I wanted. It was hanging below a price listing 19.99. I snatched that lil sucker up as quickly as I could. I did not ask any questions. I did not look twice. I actually did not even question the possibility that this could be incorrect. I was in my own little happy world. So, I walked quickly with my clearance zebra flats (7.98 and so cute) and my 19.99 GPS watch to the cashier. "Beep" went the scanner and I happened to look up at the register (which I NEVER do - I NEVER pay attention to prices) and it was 99.99. I stood there frozen and feeling like a special kind of stupid. I did not really want to say I thought that was 19.99 but I did anyway. DUH!!! The cashier asked if I wanted somebody to check and see if it was on sale. I laughed out loud and politely declined. I told her that I was just hopeful and that I would just take my 7.98 shoes and go on my happy way. UGGG. I hate when things have been placed on the wrong shelf or placed in an area where it causes price confusion. I will admit though - I am a dumbass for that one. I was more sad than anything. I was so hopeful and excited. Does make me laugh.

Anyway, I continue on my quest with the couch to 5k running program. Today, I was not motivated to do anything but sleep. I woke up at 3am with a migraine. One thing led to another and I just did not make it to the gym. Around 1:30 I made the decision I was going to try running (the couch to 5k program) outside. First, two huge steps for me (running outside) and deciding to do anything requiring energy when I had already made the decision to remain inactive for the day. I have it in my head that when I complete my first 5k it will be under 30 min (29 min is fine). Today, I did a mile and half in 23 min (If I could keep up that pace it would be a 15 min mile which would put me right around that goal). Keep in mind I was walking/running. THAT made me feel like this entire couch to 5k program might actually work and I might actually complete a 5k one day. All of that felt pretty good. I am actually kind of liking this!!! I have so much more energy and feel so much better after I am a little more active.

Then since I am trying to incorporate "clean eating" into our eating plan I made an amazing dinner - which EVERYBODY actually enjoyed. The best part is everybody ate vegetables and did not complain. I am loving this!!

So, my goal for tomorrow is to continue with the couch to 5k program and weights for sure. I am not sure what else but I am getting my booty off the couch and that is better than what I was doing last month!!!

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